2022 General Election Candidate Survey
We’re happy to share our 2022 Candidate Survey, which we’ve updated for the General Election. The importance of selecting candidates who share our values couldn’t have been more apparent than it was this past year. At the local level, extreme liberal council members sided with the abortion industry to institute a “buffer zone” outside the EMW abortion mill, negatively impacting the ability of sidewalk counselors to offer a true choice for women at such a critical juncture. A local state senator caved under pressure from abortion supporting colleagues, despite years of advertising as “proud to always be a prolife vote.” Then, unsurprisingly, Beshear 2.0 vetoed House Bill 3 – the 2022 prolife omnibus bill (thankfully legislators overrode that veto). And of course, at the federal level we witnessed the implication of not having the votes to stop a Supreme Court appointment. Yes, elections have consequences.
It is our hope the information contained in this survey will be helpful as you navigate the election season. Unfortunately, not every candidate found the survey worthy of his or her time. It is particularly disappointing when candidates run for office under the conservative brand, yet shy away from publicly affirming their prolife beliefs. I would urge extreme caution in supporting any candidate who is unwilling to articulate his or her prolife credentials during the campaign…lest they be unwilling to stand for life when the need arises.
The final two pages are the endorsements from the KY Right to Life Victory PAC. This information targets candidates for state office (State Representative, State Senator, etc.) and select judicial races.