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Women Deserve Better

On Monday, I went to the courthouse and heard arguments from both sides regarding the Mary Poe case which is a challenge to Kentucky’s abortion bans.

The petitioner, going by the pseudonym Mary Poe who is represented by the ACLU, is arguing that Kentucky’s abortion restrictions violate the state constitution. Mary Poe’s attorneys, are arguing that abortion is allowed under the right to privacy and the right to personal atonomy, two rights listed in our state consitution. Additionally, Mary Poe is requesting that this case be a class action lawsuit, arguing that it should represent all pregnant Kentucky women now and in the future, who are not able to procure an abortion in the state of Kentucky.

The Attorney General’s office is defending Kentucky’s abortion bans and has stated that they are willing to take the case to the Kentucky Supreme Court, should that be necessary.

It is in times like this that we can incline towards fear over losing what we have worked so hard to achieve or hostility towards those who oppose our work, but we must remember that the cornerstone for all that we do is love, not only for the unborn, but also for the mother.

Recently, I have spent much time visiting our local pregnancy resource centers, and at every one, I have heard story after story of women from all socio-economic backgrounds, walks of life, and various religious or non-religious affiliations, who are ultimately considering abortion because of the fear that surrounds pregnancy, childbirth, and motherhood.

Our culture has successfully sold a lie that the greatest threat to a woman is her own body with its natural ability to bear life, bring that life into the world, and sustain that life — physically and emotionally.

Let us not give into fear — even fear of losing the great good we have achieved — rather, let us take this opportunity to proclaim the beauty and goodness of womanhood (and manhood) and to share that with the next generation, thus creating a new era of gratitude and respect for the ability to generate life!

Women deserve better,

Margaret Schay,

Executive Director